Monday, November 22, 2010

Sup world

I suppose I should make one of these since the staff members are getting sort of impatient with, and I figured "Why not?" SO, hi. In case you have not heard of me, I'm known as hachi1 inside a wonderful little game called PangYa! that's ran by money hungry people that seriously need to get a life. In case you don't know, or haven't figured it out already, I am one of those very rare few in the game that complains about everything in the game. To the people who run it, right down to the scripts and development of the game. I am what's considered an anarchist in a way, because I have the nerve to tell my complaints not only to the people, but straight to the staffs themselves. And it funny, because they know its true, and they're sad little people who refuse to listen to anyone or anything but their money.

So, enough about that for a little bit. Complaining is a sport of mine I like to use all the time. So, what do I do in the game? Well, I play golf (I know. Exciting, right?) I swing, and I swing, and . . . I . . swing. You know what, that is boring. Believe it or not, despite how boring it sounds, it actually is quite a fun little game.

Before the wonderful world of DSL, I had the Wii. And during those times, I picked up Super Swing Golf on December 4, 2006. And from there, I would play what looked to be an amusing game with its anime characters on the front, to lovely backgrounds, funny storyline, and a soundtrack I shamefully still hum too. It was just pure awesome. Unfortunately, I sucked hard at it, and found myself giving up on it thousands of times until eventually, I gave up on it completely. It wasn't until around this time last year that I seen Super Swing Golf was not over yet, when I spotted the game, now called "PangYa!" for the PSP. My friend was with me that day, and since I knew he had a PSP, I asked him to pick it up and try it for me. I warned him through my experience, that the CPU is brutal, and expect to be flinging the system at the wall a few times. He came back to me almost two months later and told me it was okay. Meh.

So, one day in December, I remembered about our trip and spotting the game. I went on Wikipedia to see what they had to say about the game. It almost took me by complete surprise that it wasn't just for the Wii or the PSP, but it was a full MMO that's been around longer than the Wii's lifespan. Excited, I downloaded it to see. And after almost 2 hours later . . . . I still sucked. But, I was sucking in real time with real people witnessing it. Disconnection was also a problem, and it took only a week before I gave up once again. It would take four more months to play it a couple more times before I lost complete interest almost forever.

It wouldn't be until the that faithful month of May to watch my ex ruin everything I ever strive for, and left me with scars and nightmares. It was July 2nd before I gave it one more shot at it. Besides a two week hiatus in late July, I have not stopped playing since. It probably wasn't until mid-August that I figured out this was a game I wanted to play for a very long time. It is now almost Thanksgiving, and there are times where it gets to me, but I still show no signs of stopping, or even slowing down. I still may suck, but at least I'm better than I was three years ago.

Within these past months, and soon to be an unofficial one year anniversary, I have played against some interesting people, formed rivalries, made enemies, and even made a couple GM's my favorite verbal punching bag. I have learned new tricks, through myself and others. Bought some of the neatest sets and items. Regrettably, spending too much than I care to admit. And have even obtained my first Gacha item recently.

I have unfortunately discovered that the GM's of the game are elitists Thus in turn, taught the others how to be one too due to the rules. There are scammers running amok in the game, and ripping everyone off, while the GM's don't do anything to prevent these things from happening.

And then you have the Brazilians, which, no offense to those who aren't, are the biggest calcs and quitters in the game. Which makes my gameplay a little harder to swallow when one of them is around. You also have the Europeans, which some tend to be rude, but most of them are nice, and I can handle it. You have the Asians which are probably the sweetest people you'll meet. And then you have us. Americans who are not only elitist, and some going as far as being racist, but also have it in there mind that the game shouldn't be played for fun, and should only be played for competition. Anything less, and your worthless to play against. Mind you, I don't say all of them are, but I do tend to see it right around the National A rank with insane scores stacked on them. Those notable are those who seem to get special treatments by the GM's, and they refuse to acknowledge you in the lobby if you said something to them.

Other than that, this is PangYa! it really isn't much, and it really is a stupid game to play. But, it passes the time, you meet a lot of nice people, and you continue to amaze yourself everyday by something new you do. There really isn't a dull moment in the game.

So, I'm done for now. If you ever want to find me, look me up~ I hope to hear from you all soon. Night

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