Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E3: Yawn

This years E3 had quite a lineup of many things to come in the future. You can already tell that the competition was as fierce as ever, and it was the best of the best. With Microsoft's Kinect still having quite a bit juice left in it, Sony's fall of the PSN and rise of their new system, and Nintendo's ego and sales still reminding us the Wii is the way to go. However, all three made the conferences just as it is; a conference. It was boring, tedious, and at some points repetitive. But no one watches E3 just to hear them talk. Its about the games! So, here is my quick recap and review for E3, and how I portrayed it.


You could pay me a million dollars, and I would still rather to puke. Seeing as how most of their games more or less make it onto the PC later, I really didn't much care, but the presentation. Holy... it was the equivalent of Barney showing you how to play Resident Evil. It was deathly cheesy to the brim. Everything about it was fake. It didn't amuse me, and there were times I left the room from embarrassment. I think the only time it seemed even remotely serious was when Ice Tea appeared on stage.... up until he talked, and then it was stupid all over again. Look, I know you need to show your audience that your fun, educational, and child friendly, but even an eight year old with a brain would know that was lame. They even had children from 5-8 years old even acting as if they enjoyed the game. Oi... well anyways, about the games themselves. Sadly, it was all about Kinect. Its not that I'm so against it, that I don't want to see what it can do, but quite the contrary. It was nothing but! Kinect this, Kinect that, blah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't care, I just wanted to see what I could play, A Disney Land game, a Sesame Street game. Granted, they look amusing to play if nothing else. But I just wanted some hardcore game I could play for myself, and they did not deliver. The grand finale was Halo 4, which was lame of in itself. Okay, I know its their key game, and one of the reasons why the Xbox is where it is today, but if that's all you have left to offer, then shut your damn doors, and go back to PC.


After the opening trailer ended, the apology speech began. Sony's Playstation Network/Store shut down for nearly a month and a half due to a security breach in their system, and to me, the apology seemed legitimate and sincere. It was short and to the point, and it was actually interesting to see it in real time. After that, they moved on to their games, which to me, was the most boring segment yet. The games seemed like they were worth looking into. I'm not that type of gamer, so it really didn't appeal to me, but it was interesting. Their grand finale which was the longest of the three was their new portable system, now named Vita. Like Vista without the T in there. Lame in some ways. They said it meant life, but eh. Should have just called it the PSP2. The name may have sounded lame, but the system was anything but. It sounded so much like an iPad with so much more in there. The ability to have a touch pad on the back of the system seemed crazy enough for me, but the games were just as awesome. Modracers, and Little Big Planet had unique ideas taking advantage of the system. While Street Fight x Tekken blew my mind away. The 3G network also had a nice twist to it, but unfortunately provided by AT&T. Which to me, is the worst provider in the world. But, still. Thumbs up to not sucking this year. Their was also mention to Playstation Suite, and a monitor/TV that had 3D capabilities, but that was just as boring as the conference was, so eh.


Now, here would be a company that has been egotistic and money hungry for quite a few years. Even going on E3 two times back to back talking more about how much money they made, and not enough games. The opening showed nothing about their egos about making money. It was a five minutes opening showing Zelda over the years. And by the way for the idiots who really believed it, THE SERIES TURNED 25 LAST YEAR DUMBASS! Sigh, American culture. Gotta hate em, right? Anyways, Nintendo proved to be less of a snooze, as they dove right into what people wanted. Talking was still pretty boring, but wasn't tedious.. As they mention that the 3DS was capable of handling Nintendo 64 title back in 1996-2001, and being in 3D. Quite honestly, I never really thought the 3D gimmick is even interesting. I never got it, and it will take more than a 3D game play to make me dish $250 for a portable system. When you also consider Nintendo's new ToS, it makes it even harder to consider buying it. The grand finale? Heheh, get this. Wii U. I'm sorry, but I found the Wii name stupid as is. Now, it goes from stupid to plain out retarded. They say its the 8th generation console, but its also a portable system and a paraphernalia to the Wii system. People around are a bit skeptic about this being the new console, and I'm right on board. It was very flashy, and it definitely has potential, if only they tell you more about what it does. And really, what can it do? Can it take discs? Will it overheat easily being so small? What does it support other than the Wii? Can it match up to its competitors power? This "system" has me intrigued, and if it can deliver more in the future, I'll be there to snag it. Other things included the eShop, and a Pokedex 3D. Lol, just pure lame for no doubt the fanboys. But I guess it was inevitable that a GameBoy Virtual Console would appear.

Overall and winner

Everyone made me want to take a clothes pin, and start pinching myself just to stay awake through it. Microsoft just failed so hard with their presentation, that I thought my embarrassing moments were pretty bad. Sony just kept talking on and on about their games, and showed no real content for most of them. And Nintendo, while having a new console, had barely anything to show for it for almost 30 minutes.

It was a bit hard to choose which one, but I say my favorite conference was Nintendo. This is their first year in years to actually focus more about the games than themselves. They delivered what seemed like I was still back before their success took off again in 2007, showing that they want to give the best, and push for better than that. While Wii U (lol) had almost nothing to show for it, they had just enough to crevice around it with a ton of games just down the road, and Zelda properly getting the attention it deserves for 26 years, it was a blast to watch it.

Sony had a great lineup of games, and showcased the most this year, along with a brand new portable system down the road. Showing the world that a simple hack will never stop doing what they do best. Just all that talking seriously drug me down. Combined with a dark environment, it just made it hard to watch it all the way in one sitting.

And Microsoft needs to get their head out of the clouds. Yeah, the Kinect was pretty tedious, but I was still interested. If only the horrible acting, God awful script, and the fact that it went on until the very end just made it unbearable to watch would have just stopped, maybe it would have been a lot better.

In the end, I enjoyed what was delivered at this year E3. The competition, though fierce, was also fair Everyone had a great line up, and will keep everyone busy for the rest of the year, while leaving some questions for the next. That's my thoughts on it, and now I'm going back to my games. See you all soon~

Overall rating:
Nintendo: 8.3
Sony: 7.9
Microsoft: 5.5

1 comment:

  1. My fault guys. Apparently Nintendo's idiotic system has a console with its controller. So it does take discs, and if it overheats, it'll be on the console, not the controller. Why they failed to show that part at the conference is beyond me, but I'm still wondering what the hell the console can even do. -_-
