Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer time nonsense

First of all before I go into any detail about anything worthless; Japan is doing a Golden Time Event, where you get to win goodies and Pang . . . K, not so bad, but WTF IS THIS????

I feel like my manhood dropped a few hundred points by looking at this! Poor Max.... and they're currently selling a comet package for roughly 4,900 points. One of those contains the Kuroneko Aztec.
So, hahaha SGI, you fail again. *sigh* That never gets old. I should be paid to troll them, I could make an awesome living off of it. Isn't that right Loki? Heheh, ya... go burst into flames.

Anywho, those cheap shots are for another time. I has big announcments, good and bad news all around. But first, the bad. I have been stupidly lazy lately, and thus . . . you get no private server today. Sad, I know. But I'm working on other projects, and dealing with some minor legal issues at the moment, so its only a temporary setback. I hope to have it up in two weeks or sooner. And sooner is better, so yeah, keep your fingers crossed.

Good news is, I'm not dead, so yay! Well, unless you didn't want me to be alive, then boo! Sorry, caffeine is doing the talking right now. No, the good news is I should be able to create more videos, and do some streams online really soon. What I'm going to do, and when I'm going to do it is beyond me. Its just experimental right now. But if you guys are interested, I'll be more than happy to provide links later on. Since 95% of you are reading this via referrals from PangYa!, you should get that information by say... mm.. tonight.

I has a big announcement, but I'm not ready to post it just yet. Because, you know, this is all about Hachi doing nothing but ramble, ramble, ramble, and you love it! Even if my grammar sucks. So, today is June 21. Damn, the year is half over, and I barely got to enjoy it... shame. But, its the first day of Summer, and crap usually is the most exciting during that time. So, who knows. Well, an old friend of mine has a birthday today. I doubt she even knows I'm still alive, since we haven't spoken in over a decade, but I think it would be nice to acknowledge it anyways. Hmmm . . . I'm not doing anything too grand this Summer. Just sit at home, and be the lazy shmuck I am. Well, there's nothing to do around here anyways. Unless I want to get drunk or something. But, I could always do that at home too. So, its either ride around town and wear myself out, or sit at home and do nothing, with maybe company once or twice during the whole season. I swear my friends hate me that bad. Well, there's always Evil Kenevil Week or Days, whatever its called now. The three days of the year where our town has any meaning to the world. Then again, its also the only time you can get drunk, pick up a whore you don't even know her first name, and wake up the next day sleeping with a Llama with weird pains coming from you butt. That's Butte, Montana in a nutshell. Now if Cthulu comes knocking at my door, then maybe I would consider it. Or Godzilla. That's even better! So sad that Godzilla wasn't even spell checked when I typed it. But you spell Hachi, and spell check is trying to figure out if your trying to spell out the name of a car brand. Wow, I ramble too much, I need to slow down.

Anyways, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Ready? Ta-da! ----> insert picture here <----- Oh . . . well, there's no picture to provide you with. Whoops. Well, there is no picture . . . yet. But later on today, and yes it will be posted later today, I will have added another YouTube account free floating in space about... ready? Me, and more rambling! Yay, won't that just be boring as hell! No, in all honesty, some redneck asshole in Alabama told me "if you can entertain and possibly make money, then go for it!" And you know what, I think I will, if only to piss him off if I can show him I can be successful just by sitting at a camera doing nothing. Sooo, yeah. I swear I'm sadistic.

That would be all for now. I have bore you long enough and I'm going to go back to doing nothing! Because doing nothing is a hard art to practice, and it takes years of discipline and training. And if you want to argue about it, then blah, blah, blah, I win~

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