Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where the bloody name comes from

So, Hachi, or hachi1 has been a staple of mine for a few years now. Almost 4 to be exact. It started at Friendcodes.com in September 2008, when the name Sessho was surprisingly taken. Thinking of the next character in line, I chose hachi1, with the 1 being that someone had already taken the name, and compensated with that. After my tainted breakup in 2010, the name "Sessho105" had also become somewhat tainted as well. While a bit reluctant at the time, I took on my secondary and minor name at the time. Which surprised me, because that name received more positive and negative popularity than my prior Sessho105 did. So, kudos or whatever.

However, most on PangYa! are under the assumption that Hachi comes from the famous 1920's dog "Hachi-ko" or just Hachi for short. Or that it comes from the Japanese numeral "eight (8)" which seems more obvious than a dog, But, both the prior and the latter are both wrong, and most tend to never see where it really comes from. (or for that matter, never even knew.)

See, when I chose the original name, Sessho was a broken down name of "Sesshomaru" from Inuyasha, Sessho, which is Japanese for an imperial's guardian to protect while serving, and 105 comes from an inside joke of "$105.00".

When the second name came into play, it was indeed taken from the same show, He only had a very sparing screen time, and served no real purpose to the show. I enjoy the name, and plus, I enjoy Taniki's, which is Japan's mythological version of a raccoon dog. So, this is Hachi.

So, there, next time you see me on PangYa! and if you dare to call me a dog, just remember; your only half correct. It's raccoon dog, thank you, and I think I'd be flattered if I was called Tankuki instead. Albeit, a lot skinnier and smarter than the original Hachi. So nya. That's all~

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