Monday, September 26, 2011

Almost a year later

Little over a month and a half from a year ago, Ntreev, now the newly merged SGI West pulled what was to be one of the biggest low blows in MMO history. An already dying server used its last resort to allow SGI to take over at a price that could be worse than death. SGI has announced that they would monopolize PangYa! Europe, and because it was "out of there control" exp, pang, points, rares, friends would be stripped away from them and turn them all into Rookies needing to rebuy everything that they have just lost. Now, I myself was not European, but I was considered to be a European player. The rage and sympathy for what I had for Europe could give no words. I was disgusted by this action from SGI.  To this day, I am so pissed at what they did, that there isn't even a word for me to describe my feelings about it.

Europe to me felt to be the most peaceful server to play. The people were friendly, there was never a need to grind, and you had the kind of fun that SGI sucks out of our server daily. No discrimination towards languages, no racism or thinking one culture was under you like how we treated the Brazilians, and the GM's were so relaxed, that it was hard sometimes to see them as an employee, and more like a player just trying to have fun.  And cards were salable. Always a major plus.

The day when it came time to shut down the game, there was maybe 75 players on the server, I myself included. New Years Eve, I went to Japan at six in the morning to celebrate New Years there. Then from noon until three in the morning, I stayed in Europe. Just finished celebrating New Years here, but still hanging out with the Europeans.I will never forget that day. I even came back here to the GM Event, and watched Tiramiss spam an already spammed lobby. It only took me two minutes to realize that participating wasn't worth it. I more or less told everyone to go F off, then I left back to Europe. I even fell asleep at one point in my chair watching my character in the lounge for a couple hours. When it came time to hit "Exit Game" I almost broke into tears, knowing this will be the last time I will enjoy myself on their server. I was one of the last people who left the game.

I still thank Europe for such a wonderful time, and nothing could ever replace that feeling of so much gratitude towards them. Those days were the best, and I hope I can feel that way one day soon. And thus, with the closure of Europe, and the popularity of Japan, Galaxy Neko was born. This is my story, and I thank you for reading.

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