Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just a quicky lawls

I dare not confront them on their native website, but you friggen fail almost worse than the United maintenance. You try to set the same UI codes and event scripts for a clone of the Anniversary event, and yet, your not even smart enough to ever succeed that much. So, YEAH! Team PangYa! fails so badly, they can't even properly open up the game at a decent hour. And all the bull  they'll give you in "we're sorry for the inconveinece. If you were truly sorry, you would explain why you suck, and not even give a time.

For United, Japan, the maint. log went something like:

"To all PangYa! players,

We have found multiple errors when trying to build United onto PangYa! We are truly sorry, and we ask you just wait a little longer. We understand your frustration, but we can only work as fast as we are permitted. Since we are not sure how long this will take, we cannot give a set time when we will be done. We shall give you the files to download for now, so it will not take as long to update, and ask you to check back every hour to see our updated reports. We apologize for making you wait, and we thank you for your patience.


Sure enough, every hour from 1 A.M. until 2 P.M. they gave a new report on the situation. Around six or so, they wrote in saying that they did find the source of the error, but realized how bad it was, and expected to have it fixed within an hour or two. Once, they fixed that, they found more bugs in the files, and said they would need to fixed those as well. And this would go on for quite some time,

And the results from it? The game ran flawlessly. Their were some lag at the start due to the 75 or so files compact into one file trying to catch up. But, other than that, not one problem.

I even informed Loki of this crap, and he could not be bothered to stop scratching his ass for a moment to accept what I was trying to say. PangYa! was "supposed" to be opened at 2 A.M. and they bumped it multiple times, saying "we will open the next hour. We're sorry for the inconvenience." And the game would open at 5ish A.M.

The results from that? The game would be nearly unplayable. A good 10 or so bugs on the surface, and probably more than that without being in plain view would made the game shut down three times in one day, and two more the whole week before it got its chance to run semi-flawlessly, and almost a month to fix the game completely.

So, in conclusion, if your constantly jacking off or courting some 13 year old, what the hell do you think would happen?? Knowing them, they probably believe fixing is in the term of using bubble gum and duct tape to, and if no one notices, they can go back to or whatever. Is that a real site? I just made it up, but it would be funny if it was.

But, anywho. Good job Mr. Lee. You definitely know how to tell friggen time. When your employees says the game is suppose to open at XX:XX A/P M. we usually expect them to have a brain and finish on time instead of thinking they don't have to do squat while at work.What a lovely fail you are SGI, and I still can't wait until you hit bankrupt one of these days~

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