Sunday, October 9, 2011

Break time's over, time to write

I am too mentally exhasted to do much of anything anymore. I'm playing PangYa! here, and playing it in Japan. I also am playing Paperman. I have a couple people expecting me to talk every once and awhile. And I have a friend staying over, and I get distracted by him because his randomness rocks! ALONG with trying to start a light novel, WHILE working on a PangYa private server.... I don't even have to leave my house, and I'm swamped all the time. So, I really had to force myself to squeeze some time to write this.

So, let's begin with the server:

Its everything you could hope for. There's no rip off involved, and unlike Chaos's damn server, you don't have to donate a dime to get any points or items. Unfortunately for you, the server is capped off from the public. Meaning only those I invite can join, because I don't want to manage a server, and I just want to have fun without all the GM BS. Those who belong to Galaxy Neko and my friends list who actually talk to me automatically get the golden ticket. Once I get it going, it'll be a nice little get away say every weekend for a couple hours, and have fun doing it. I'm in the current process of getting the Negima!? items on, and those kitty comets are a must! I would love to have gotten Special Shuffle in there, but sad thing is; the community who is trying to emulate the server are have a hard time trying to get it as well. I am trying to get it out asap, but I still need to hex some things, and edit the items and its prices, so..... bear with me?

As for the light novel.... well, I'd be lying if I said I got a sentence started. I'm still waiting for my friend to get the character drawn for it so I can better visualize just who I'm writing about. Grr, I don't even have a proper premise or synopsis set up yet. I should begin that soon. The book isn't going to be that big.... well, that's what a light novel is anyways. Just a book you can get through in a couple sittings. Uhh, I should have a set up of the story by next week. I just need one day to dedicate to figure out what's going on. But, once I can, I can try to share it with you soon.

PangYa! Global and Japan do take up the most time out of it all. On Globals side, I'm dealing with the fact that I'm just 1,000 exp away from National, and then I can rejoice finally. On Japan's side of things..... Well.... it's Japan, what more do you want? Negima!? clothes, comets, clubs, and mascot are running amok. Wiz City is set for release about less than 20 days from now, and the whole server is partying over it. And the fact that calcs are non-existent makes it even more fun to play there. Aside from that, everything is just peachy in the land of the rising sun.

Paperman on the other side is another story. Hour and hours of shooting people have never been this much fun. I've gained close to four levels in two weeks, and amazingly enough, before I stopped playing in March, I was playing like some noob, but now I'm just on fire. I don't even know how it happened. I have never had as much fun as I have now. 'Tis awesome, that it is.

And the other things that are keeping me busy are things like still learning Japanese language, anime, playing Touhou, and whatnot. I can do things like 八だいすき。 And other random things like ☆⑨★ or 2011今年10月09日 But that's all I got. Being in a Japanese filled sever, you would think I would adapt to the language faster to better understand what's being said around me, but nuu, I'm too lazy for that. I also learned that trying to speak Japanese on Global makes your chatbox freeze up, so just a fun warning. Don't do it. 
Anywho, that's all I got for rambling. I just thought I should let you guys know I'm not dead, and I will be picking this back up again, so don't stop supporting. Even though I'm boggled why you even would to begin with. And of course, if I have any fun things I run into, or a reason to troll the GM's, you know I'll be back. Oh yeah, GAMERAGE!!!!! What a fail on the parts of the former SGI. How long do you think it'll take before Gamerage will throw them out because they won't stop milking them? Three partners in 2 1/2 years, that's really sad. Anywho, cookies, I'm out~

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