Saturday, October 12, 2013

I simply can't avoid this any longer: PewDiePie sucks

For the past two years, I have been running into complete garbage on YouTube. People who think they're so funny, but in reality, anyone with maturity finds it annoying. From the product whore, iJustine, straight up to the copyright thief himself, RayWilliamJohnson.

The goal on YouTube is to create content for others to enjoy and interact with. Whether it's comedy, education, or anything in between. The uploaded attempts to create a fulfilling content, so that his/her viewers would be willing to come back for more.

However, it would seem anyone with 100,000+ subscribers loses their original goal, and instead, uploads sub-par content constantly once or more per day in hopes of collecting another dollar. And continues to take advantage of the system until their subscribers gets past puberty, and realizes there idol is no more than another annoying idiot.

Enter PewDiePie, A.K.A. Felix. The top dog for Let's Plays, and almost top dog of all of  YouTube. With 14+ million subscribers, and over 2 billion views, he has somehow became an independent celebrity Hollywood could only dream of having.

How did it become like this, and why hasn't anyone capitalize and copy his success? Well, if you want to degrade yourself to a screaming, nonsensical idiot who appeals to the majority of underage boys and girls, then you're set.

Each video consists of him screaming loudly even dogs would howl in pain. Using really random voices, which I think is suppose to be funny, but makes him sound retarded. Using disgusting titles for his videos, and sometimes misleading thumbnails and titles. Usually his face covering half of the thumbnail like a YouTube whore pro. Over saturates his uploads by uploading too many, almost all of which has very little effort put into them anymore. And everybody favorite, the constant use of casually saying the word rape, like this is a normal thing to do. Not to mention almost every video has his face via video camera plastered on every game he plays, when it is completely distracting and inappropriate to use. It was cute when he did it when playing a blind horror game, but the novelty dies real fast.

And there is a key word in that sentence; "blind". By definition -

"A blind run refers to a let's play of a game which the author hasn't played or finished before."

Three quarters of his videos are suppose to be blind, but his reactions are fake, knows what to do a little too well for playing it for the first time, and tries way too hard to make the viewer convinced he doesn't know what's coming next.

All tid-bits aside, the thing that made him the most famous was over Retsupurae, a group of gamers roasting other Let's Players and video games, making a video called "Adults React to PewDiePie". The video showed a group of people reacting to his already terrible gimmick, expressing annoyance, ignorance, and head shaking, questioning why he even had a following as is. This in turn inevitably made his fan base going into a flame war, and even caught Felix's attention himself. He would comment on the video, quoting -

"Pretty funny I'll admit :)
But seriously though, have you never heard: "If you don't like it, then don't watch it"?
Actually never mind, keep watching! You extra views gets me extra cash!

Which he straight out admits he's just doing it for the money now. Being quite passive aggressive on the situation, a lot of people now were learning that his channel, PewDiePie, was nothing more than an ATM for his success, instead of trying to legitimately entertain his fans like he use to when he first began.

He would also continue his greed streak as he announced he was running for "King of the Web" which the grand prize would be $7,000 USD. Which he would go on to say he's never seen that much money in his life. This would raise a lot of eyebrows. Even his fans were now questioning what he said. His popularity and cash cow to Google, a lot of people were very much aware he's probably making $7k easily in a matter of days every week. This would in turn, get a lot of people, including his subscribers angry over what he said. Mysteriously, his comments about the topic would disappear, and any information regarding those comments was quickly covered up.

He would go on to make "I'm sorry" in which he would explain that he fell victim to the trolls, and will now ignore them. But in that, also made a half-ass attempt to tell his fans to stop attacking the trolls as well. He gloated how he donated quite a bit of money to the WWF (the animals, not wrestling.) And would continue to be charitable with his money. To which I say bullcrap. You donate because you want to, not because you have to just to save face.

After that video, his fans became even more vicious. Any videos that spoke against him or even remotely copied him were harassed, leading to some getting taken down because they couldn't handle the heat. And here we are now.

I'm pissed off at him, I'm pissed off at his fans who think he's some sort of God, and makes if hard for a lot of other opinionators to throw in their two cents. Sad fact for you twits who enjoy harassing others, Felix couldn't care if your alive or not. Just like Disney, just like Microsoft, just like Google, your role in life is to make him money. Your just business to him. And if you die tomorrow, someone else will replace you in his business.

Flame me all you like. Call me jealous, threaten me, do whatever. I won't care about some pubescent brats attacking me over an opinion. Just come back in three to five years, and tell me if you still feel that way. See you soon~


  1. If u hate him then dont watch his vids by posting UR garbage reasons will not do anything u know people have different opinions and what ever u sah to him they all will just dont care and keep going amd nothing u do will bring down his 14 millions subs and his getting 3 millions subs per months and i know its in ur opinion but theres no need to post this

    1. LOLOLOL You read it? You read the last sentence? Noooo, of course you didn't, thats probably because you can't read. But now seriously, are you even aware of what you just did there? I mean its not even pewdiepie now who i hate the most, its you fanboys. You (i mean most of you) are so stupid, it hurts. Reading all these flame comments under a opinion video just disgusts me, im really getting angry over it. You know, most ppl search "pewdiepie sucks" or something just to hate on these videos. And thats bullshit. Accept the thruth, hes just doing it for money, hes annoying and he screams every 10 seconds as if someone is forcing an umbrella up his butt. /NOTE FOR FUTURE REPLYS: This is my opinion, so if you should reply with stuff like "ur such a dumb cocksucking faggot u suck u are nothing u dont have 34854358743 subs u are a loser" i dont fu*king care, but hey, noones gonna probably read this anyway so happy flaming you retarded fanboys.../

    2. He doesn't deserve those subs, bud.

    3. Anon1 represents the entire fuckass "bro army".
      I don't give a damn what anyone says- pewdiepie isn't funny. At all. I can see how maybe fucking 9 year olds would enjoy his bullshit, but besides that, it's a mystery how the fuck he's the most subscribed.

    4. Dude, if his videos can makes 30 millions people laugh, forget about all the shits happening in their life then why not? He probably did more constructive stuffs with that than u'll do in your entire life.. No offense but he's making people happy at least for 20 mins and to me this is already a lot. (and don't criticize his humor, everyone isn't laughing to the same things, u may not like his screamings, yellings etc.. But a lot of people, not only underages ,do. Just tell u don't like it)

    5. who are these 30 million people,empty headed teens,normal people will never watch that shit.and if that shit can make you laugh and happy,im sorry for you:D

    6. I just don't find him funny, I absolutely loathe his fanbase, I'm sure if your friends with the guy he's a great person, but all his fans seem to be just colossal fuckasses

    7. How immature. Keeping bad opinions to yourself will stress out yourself and lead to breakdown. He has to tell the community. I think that he felt better after telling his real opinions after so long, because an opinion against the fanbase will likely get harassed by multiple fans, likely leading to a clusterfuck. He thought that if he posted it here, lesser fanboy faggots will come to harass him. Like you. Think before you type.

    8. Pewdiepie sucks.
      And whoever who disagrees with me kindly go fuck yourself.

    9. Like your opinion this post is the AUTHOR's opinion and he has the right to express it, so shut up!

    10. Shut the hell up,his 15 mins of fame will run out.just give it time.I can't stand you pewdiepie cocktail suckers.

    11. How would someone know they don't like something without watching it you retard?

      You've just proven why PewDePrick and his brain dead bros are hypocritical morons.

    12. Its late but I wanted to say this fans of this dude you like the dude right that is your opinion if someone does not put him on a pedestal and grovel you run your mouths which is typical of this newer generation run their mouths behind a computer screen. I did not care that he existed that you his fans existed I care now because of every video I watch on youtube has an ad for him which I find his voice annoying. Some people do not like him and they find him annoying but a legion of rabid fans which will harass other people for a different view so congratulations on being the weakest and weirdest nazi wannabes of all time minus the racism maybe but make them more aggressive over pointless shit if they get so riled up and angry over a comment I really wanna see them blow up at something important maybe their heads would explode which would be incredibly funny to see or steam come out their ears and other cartoon esque cliches

    13. Guys, guys. You say that people have different opinions but you still go out hating on people who hates Pewdiepie? There's actually no sense in that. Different opinions means that someone may like Pewdiepie, someone may don't like him and you just gotta accept that

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. He ruins every horror video game he touches with his incessant blabbering and moronic comments to appeal for the mentally challenged kids which are his fans. It sickens me honestly, and I think he is a fucking moron. Great that he makes millions, but he is not even remotely funny for people who have some traces of brains left in their skulls. And honestly, good for him that he makes money on the backs of stupid kids like his fans. He isn't even remotely funny, i'll say it again.

  2. I see the typical fanboy came rushing in to defend his latest YouTube god. That is, until someone else takes his place in a few years and/or his popularity starts falling.

    That being said, there is a lot of wrong in your post:

    -"Pure garbage" is what YouTube is built on.. Hell, the first video ever placed on YouTube is a 19 second clip of some kid at the zoo. Don't do yourself a disservice by pretending that YouTube is anything but a crap site full of pointless videos. Seriously, the sooner you accept this fact, the faster people like PewDiePie won't even faze you anymore.

    -YouTube goal is -not- to entertain you, but to make money. They love people like PewDiePie as every hit is just money in their pocket. If some guy rolling around in cow shit managed to get half the views PewDiePie did, it would be on the YouTube front page.

    -PewDiePie may be a money-grubbing-head-up-his-ass-full blown retard-willing to act like a complete asshat for cash, but you got to give him credit where credit is due, he knows YouTuber's will eat that shit up. Reason? because YouTuber's are bigger full blown retards than he is. Can't really blame the guy for knowing what sells.

    -He didn't need to admit that he "does it for the money" because each and every single YouTuber posting video's does it for the money. Case in point; Silent Rob. That douche-monkey turned into a even bigger bitch than he already was when YouTube refused to make him a partner. He would rage-quit every few months.

    And he is the typical YouTuber (minus the insane level butthurt Silent Rob can produce) . Nobody would complain if their videos started hitting the 2mil+ mark. Anybody who says they are doing it for YouTube fans is a fucking liar, especially now when all YouTubers are partners when they create an account.

    -PewDiePie donations were not for the charities at all or to "save face". It was for his own reputation, It's a get out of jail free card. Unless he gets piss drunk and rams his car into a bus full of nuns that careen into a petting zoo during a school field trip, he is pretty much set. He can play the retard and good guy at the same time.

    In closing: People like PewDiePie aren't new They will always exist on YouTube. The best thing to do with people like him is nothing at all. Give him enough rope and he will eventually hang himself..they always do

    Either that or his star will eventually fade and join the ranks of TGWTG, LisaNova and so many others.

    1. Pewdiepie is under going a "In Flesh" phase. That phase where starts enjoy the thrill and warmth of confusion. To the point where they think they are above others and do stupid shit. I'm not defend Pewdiepie, he's a narcissistic twit if you ask me. I've been ravaged by his fans. I once say on a game when people were talking about youtubers they watch "I don't watch Pewdiepie." I instantly get yelled at by a bunch of 6 year olds. Seriously you guys aren't fans, your just bricks in the wall. Being milked for money.

    2. I don't see him entering TGWTGs any time soon.

    3. Anon2-
      The fucking fanboys are always under 12 years old.

    4. People keep complaining about YouTube's popularity saying it's only goal is to make money... That surprises you? It's called capitalism. Obviously there is a certain appeal to the money Felix is making, but if it were only for the money, he would be making his videos quite differently. Undoubtedly he would hire a team to reduce his workload and up his production rate of videos. Regarding charity being a save-face - isn't it always? The important thing is that he HAS donated and fund-raised for reasons besides keeping himself looking unconcerned with money. I have heard reports of numbers almost at a million dollars raised by him and his fans.

  3. Honestly, YouTube Isn't fine entertainment. It hasn't been and never will be. The whole point of it is to garner views. Pewdiepie knows who is audience is, and plays to them, because they're the ones who watch. Yes. It may be the 13 year olds but its working out pretty fine for him. He's also been cutting down on those awful rape jokes, and insulting stuff like that over all. The whole point of his videos is to watch someone get scared shitless, that's why there's the face cam. Honestly, people like you are ridiculous. I will guarantee you there are no you tubers out there in it purely for their fans. It's the money and its always been the point. Pewdiepie just doesn't hide it that much. Even if he did, people like you would still call him out for 'pretending to be for his fans'.

  4. And seriously. You're angry because he posts too many videos? You're angry because he's an active YouTuber? This is bs

    1. Yup people hate him because his jeoulous and people may think im a fan boy but im not and people say so just because they take this as an advantage and yup u wouldnt like it if someone post bad things about u

    2. Well, there's a difference between being active and what PDP does. As in, pumping out three videos a day. There is no way you can upload so much content and still spend time selecting footage and editing it. It's quantity over quality.
      Also, that amount of videos a day means you'd run out of content in less than a week. If you could come up with fresh ideas while uploading more or less 15 videos a week you'd have to be a fucking improv genius. So yeah, all of PDP's uploads virtually follow the same template so he can get more money. Still, credit where credit is due, he at least admits he's in it for the cash.

    3. You are a fanboy you stupid fuckface. PewdiePie should be hung in a public square for lack of funny. I am not jealous, I am sincerely saddened by the mindless fucks that could enjoy something so juvenile. It's Justin Bieber type bullshit, and I wish ISIS would get their hands on him.

    4. Pewdiepie is spoiling our future generations. Everyone needs to unsubscribe from him.

  5. ok Pewdiepie is not in it for the money nor the fans he just posts videos to entertain and you seem like some kid who hasn't gone though puberty either because you just posted like a three paragraph long rant on Pewdiepie if you don't like him just don't watch his fucking videos easy as that done overwith ok bye.

    1. What if pewdiepie is actually for the money?
      There is many liars in this world.

    2. He is,he has said he's in it for just the asshole you're the type of person that would lose sleep over this comment lol.

    3. Use both braincells, wait PewDePrick fans don't have that many; to realise you don't like something you have to watch it first.

      And perhaps they wrote 3 paragraphs because unlike you they can form a more comprehensible article/response that isn't a 5 year old kid arse-raping the English language.

  6. Its been five years and i still like pewdiepie and he is still awesome and it's totally ridiculous when your angry because he is an active youtuber. Seriously, whats wrong with that? Its a good thing that he make video everyday and the videos are for the people to watch and laugh at his video ok?. Good I don't know if you'll understand this, if you don't then I don't freaking care.

    1. You know I hate him only because he is the lowest common denominator for humor. It just confuses, and saddens me, to think that people find this funny. If you actually WATCH his videos, you can tell there is very little effort he puts into them. They are literally trash, videos that most decent LPers would throw. I just like to think people have better standards than the internet equivalent of reality celebrity TV shows.

      Also to basically call you an idiot once more, you say it's been five years and you still like him, but his oldest video is from 3 years ago....damn, math is hard.

    2. He made a mistake. He thought he's active for 5 years because his account was made in 2010. Stupid idiotic fans.

    3. ISIS are active too: dies that Jean you like them too you fucking terrorist hugger.

      And if you don't understand that then, wah wah wah....

  7. I agree with you, I just think he is dumb. Makes no sense whatsoever, Pewdiepie does.

  8. I have two simple questions...

    * Where is the actual intelligent content?
    * Doe 'knowing audience' attribute to the lower production in quality in anything intelligent?

  9. Well to me it's been 2 years and I still like to watch pewdiepie, and I'm 19. Sure, like 95% of his fans are stupid 8-13 yrs old fantards, (my sister's one of them) but i really don't's not the fans I'm watching. I just don't understand why pewdiepie haters put so much effort in digging up bad things about him and watch his videos if he's so annoying and retarded. Maybe it's just me but if I don't like something, I'll let it be. For example: I don't like Justin Bieber, so I won't listen to his music, so I can't even name any of his songs. (except for that one called "baby"... I think)

    I found pewdie when I was looking for walkthrough to amnesia, and couldn't stop watching, I dunno why. Maybe I'm just as retarded as you say pewdiepie is. I don't want to "ACTUALLY WATCH" his videos and rate how intelligent or advanced his humor is. I like his stupid and improper jokes, I like the crazyness of his vids. It's just something I like to watch before I go to sleep or when I'm bored. I don't want to think about it any further because that's when it's not funny anymore. It's not like I think he's a god or something. I don't care if he does it for the money or not. He's selling a product witch just happens to be himself. He's making a living out of it so of course he does what ever he can to keep it up.

    I totally respect your opinion, and this is mine. Actually I don't even care what other people think about him, so I don't even know why I'm writing this comment. It's like 3 am and I can't sleep and I'm bored I guess.

    Ps. As you probably noticed, my English is not that good, sorry if bad spelling. Try not to judge.

    1. Maybe you don't think he's a god but other people do, and they do all they can do be more like him. Absolutely ridiculous!

    2. His first gameplays like Amnesia were actually for fun and his (not a lot) fans, you can really notice it. Now he became money grabbing asshole making shit bashing videos showing his face on full screen 80% of the time without any gameplay

  10. I am 10, so I can't do it for the money. I do it for fun, as a hobby, for job opportunities. Oh, and I hate PDP too. If I wanted to watch some idiot scream swears, I would search in the search bar: idiot screams swears. I have fun making my videos, and so I make them. Worse is youtube recommends it, actively pushes PDP in my face. I hate that. No, I dont want to watch Yogs - Overrated - Cast either. Also, the fans are too extreme, threatening to murder people with an opinion. It's horrible. If you say I'm not ten because I have immaculate spelling, a. I'm smart and b. spellchecker.

    1. I like Pewdiepie and Yogscast... Yogscast, in my opinion, is not overrated. Yogscast do put a lot of work into their videos, even if it is gaming, it's still hard work. To be honest.. I feel you are attacking Pewdiepie because he has much more popularity, but then again it is my opinion. 'a. I'm smart' < Thank's for the wonderful modesty ..

    2. No one cares what you like.If you was smart you wouldn't comment on some criticism,that don't involve you.Plus I Don't think envy is the issue here.You're false idol is horse shit,talentless fuck atary,that needs to be dethroned.:)

  11. what's with all the wacko's DEFENDING that greedy moron? he makes Fred and the Annoying Orange look like god damn masterpieces!

  12. so well little haters, flamers and retarded fanboys. It doesn't even annoy me what he does in his money makin videos, like screaming like this famous goat thingie. I dont even care that he is just doing it for money. No, i care least about you all fanboys who are raging at everything and everyone who is not worshipping your so named god. Its just soooo fu*king annoying how he can make so many videos, everyone just for the money of course, and getting so damn many views, for the money again of course, and even beeing the "best" youtuber that is out there. I, mean, i can scream like someone getting something shoven in the ass too if i want. I do those dumb-ass facial expressions too. I can even buy me a headset, a computer and the required software for making these videos. Or short: They are so unoriginal, its ridiculous. I mean who even likes watching that shit? I can paly too and i an have much much much much much more fun than someone screaming, doing grimasses and raging like a seven year old kid over a stupid game, that he didnt even bought. So theoretically hes making a whole assload of cash from crap. He's even clever by making this. I'll admit in, thats clever, but he wont do that for ever. He'll "die" out like others before, i mean, whos even watching NovaStar now, whos watching mashed8 now? Thats right, noone. They all were big channels and they "died" out after a certain time. Lets hope this will happen to pubicpie, im sorry, i mean pedopie too, hopefully in not all too far future. Greetings, Me.
    /For all dem fanboy replys: no matter what u say, i couldn't care less, really/

    1. If you couldn't care less either way, then why did you come here and write an essay about it?

    2. I do agree, however we really can't judge him. heck if I were in his postion I might do the same its human nature

  13. youtube sucks cos it made justin bieber famous need i say more

  14. you sir or lady (idk doesn't matter anyway) are very true, I used to like the old pewds he made content I really enjoy watching but now he's just doing it for the views and money.. It's only a matter of time before this pewdiepie will be shat out the anuses of everybody, untill then he's going to make a lot of money good for him hope he's happy with it

    1. He's going to go out like Justin bieber and other celebrities i wouldn't even call him one seeing as all he does is yell in games. And his fans are just... yeah you talk about pewds they hate you = death threats + saying "if u dont like it dont watch it" and I miss old pewds he was better made videos worth watching now that he's famous he barely tries he knows people are just gonna watch and subscribe he gets like 100k or something every day,,,

    2. As much as I hate to say it, I would have to agree. Pewds old videos were much funnier that the ones he makes now. And Justin Beiber? *throws up in mouth*

  15. The latest anonymous person that typed the super long rant of how dumb pewdiepie is... I would be much more worried about my spelling and grammer than the business success that pewdiepie has created for himself through YouTube. If you were making alot of cash doing something that you love, then you would be doing the same.

    After all everybody is in it for the money even when they say its for the fans, it's those fans that help him be so successful.

    1. The word you were looking for is 'grammar'. If you're going to correct someone on spelling, it's best to make sure that you have a firm grasp of it yourself.

      Pewdiepie sold himself in the worst way possible. If you actually think his YouTube success is going to grow beyond the confines of the internet, then you're as stupid as you look. Then again, you're a fan, so that's all I really need to know about your mental acuity.

    2. That is a stereotype, sure its your opinion and i'll respect it, but don't be jerk to others about their opinion

  16. I hope he will fucking die in fire.

  17. Seriously, Pewdiepie's annoying as hell. His fans are, for the majority, a bunch of preteen to about 15 year old kids who believe that its hilarious when he screams "Oh my god dont fuckin rape me!" at a monster in Amnesia. Its freaking ridiculous. He teaches children curse words and makes them believe he is a saint by donating about 0.1% of his income to charity. Honestly, this guy deserves to lose all his fame. Preferably instantly. I watched a couple videos and could instantly tell he was an arrogant jerk who thought swearing in every sentence was "cool".

    1. If they think it's hilarious when he says "Oh my god don't fucking rape me" thats fine. It's their opinion and they have a right to have it. Arrogant? Pewdiepie doesn't even think of himself as famous. He's issued apologies every time he screws up, he's even donate a million pounds to charity, which is clearly more than you have ever done.

    2. ^ he got many2 more pounds than his charity

  18. here is an idea...a- only reason ur pisses is cuz he makes more cash in a .onth then u do in a year lmao b- his popular and uuuu...well u get the lok urself in a room and cry a damn

    1. Dude, you totaly caught me. I only mak $20 bajillion in a .onth, and I need help payin the bills. Wheres other money going towards? Never mind that. uuuur just a mindless fangirl, whos whiped by so.eone you don't even know.

      And you gots it totelly rong, dude. I lok meself in a room with someone else. She would ryther want me doang something else with her than crying

    2. When somebody is hit with the truth and refuse to believe it, they resort to personal attacks and other forms of logic that don't hold up. Why waste your time getting angry at people you don't even know? It's a waste of time. If you like him, then fine, more power to you, but you should respect the fact that not everybody likes Pewdiepie, because we all do not have the same sense of humor.

      Also, popularity is the reason we all dislike this guy? Seriously? Saying "You're just jealous because he has more subscribers then you do." We're not jealous. We have legitimate reasons as to why we dislike something, and when we state reasons that we dislike something, but then some angry, stupid, childish kid comes along and rages at us just for stating our opinion. That's not right. As human beings, we should all accept the fact that we all have different views on different things, and the sooner you accept that, the better you'll be.

      That, and your wording is awful. I had to read through that comment five times just to understand what you were trying to say. Learn to type and proofread properly.

    3. Wow. Just because he makes more money than someone else doesn't mean he's a better person, asshole.

    4. "Why waste your time getting angry a people you don't even know?" Oh the irony. You Pewdiepie haters are the ones who have trouble recognizing that not everyone has the same opinion as you. I've heard people saying that all of Pewdiepie's followers are rabid 8-year olds to many times to count. Also, why are you blaming Pewdiepie for how his fans are? All he does is produce videos, in fact he even tells the Bros NOT to respond to haters like you. Its not his fault they don't listen.

    5. Thank you David.😊

  19. Why are people critizing him, this is America, where u have the right to freedom of speech.

    1. Pewdiepie can blather on about whatever he wants and critics have the right to say that he is a complete shitbag. Freedom of speech works both ways.

    2. You know this is an Australian site, right? Americans aren't the only people in the world, nor the only ones with internet. And criticism IS freedom of speech.

  20. I just found out about him yesterday. Someone else told me his videos are terrible but yet he has 25 million subscribers. How I managed to avoid him this long... I don't know. Every point you made was exactly right. I hate this fucken guy. His videos are pure annoying, screaming bullshit.

  21. All I'm gonna say is: First demo was the best.

    (Those who know what that means, know what that means. Those who don't know - well - they don't even have to know.)

  22. 2 words
    Fuck ......You.........

    xxx Julie
    Have A Nice Day!!

    1. Mind your language little girl

    2. You should stop watch PewDiePie

      I mean why would you say that disgusting word?

      Did Pewdiepie teach you that?
      Im pretty sure he did. I ever done watch his new videos.

    3. How immature. You disgust humanity.

  23. i like his old video's better. It was more fun,and he seemed like he was just being himself. His video's now are weird and it seems like he tries to hard to be funny. But I still watch some of his video's and I still think he is awesome.

  24. FINALLY someone agrees. He doesn't even deserve his subscribers or views at all.

    1. Most of his fans are mindless puerile children anyway. If we disagree, they say "fuck off," or "go kill yourself." It doesn't surprise me that his fan base are that way. I find it hilarious that the Pewdiepie drones don't understand that "popularity" doesn't mean good.

  25. I read the first parts.. Why all that hate... it is just a different sense of humour.. I find him funny for the random shit and i think he makes his let's play funny, if you want to play the game without him screaming og talking, just buy the freaking game yourself or watch another youtuber play the game.. you can't say he doesn't deserve his subscribers, then he would not have that many, and even if you don't think he is funny, then he still puts a lot of work into what he is doing.. he play games and film almost each day just to give his fans a new video + all the editing behind the videos.. I don't say that you should like him, but no need to hate that much on him dude.. If you hate him so much and find him annoying then don't watch his videos, it's as simple as that.

  26. the guy was doing something he loves and got fucking lucky and blew up on the internet. Im so sure if he didnt had 25million subs you wouldnt hate him. He GOT LUCKY. He makes money he shows his girlfriend Marzia the world when he travels and oh he gives to charity. If it wasnt for the 25 mill subs he wouldnt even be on youtube most popular. But hey one day i thought How the Fuck does he has allthis fucking subs by just screaming and swearing all the time. because well. NOT EVERYONE THINKS LIKE YOU. EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT SENSE OF HUMOR. does 25 mil subs thinks hes hilarious.He helps video game creators when he plays there games. If it wasnt for him i wouldnt discover the classic games like Amnesia, Slender, SCP,HAPPY WHEELS. I had no idea what the fuck was those things if it wasnt him.
    SO sir I understand what you're saying but You're just making yourself seem like a jealous bitch because he makes millions a years over screaming like an ass in a microphone. But obviously you're not jealous bitch, you're voicing your opinion. But you demonize the guy for WHAT? He screams and whines like a lil bitch and acts like hes mental and yet still he has 25 mill and counting subs and makes millions a year. Yes im like WTF if youtube serious. But im not the one demonizing him for the way he is.
    What im saying is when i saw read this blog post i was like WHY ALL THE HATE. GET OVER IT. MOVE ON! Hes a whiny prick getting fucking millions a year for being a whiney prick.That how thew world is. if you dont like it and want people to think like you then guy all im saying is you steal and spaceship and ship off NOW. Because i myself sees how this world is just getting so much more of a doom planet with all this shit.
    But i cant do anything about so when i see crap i hate like Glee And the Kardashians (WHatever the fuck you spell there shitty as last name) and this shit about 16 and pregnant. I wonder too why the fuck do people think this shit is entertaining. But what I skip to another channle and watch something else not rant demonize the people for their SHOCKING sucess on blogspot.
    But as i said before your just voicing your opinion so i cant judge you on That :)
    And yes im part of the bro army.
    but im not like most of his fans defending and babying and demonizing people who dont like him.
    FOr fucks sake their getting worse that belibers. LOL

    1. No matter which way you spin it, he sucks period. To say that people are jealous because he has more money than them , is the stupidest thing I ever heard. If that was true I would be jealous of every rich person in the world. Our problem is he puts out bad content and uses children to make money. He corrupts innocent children and teaches them bad behavior. He is a bad role model and his content is poorly made. That is my opinion.

    2. 100% agreed.. Shitty content = Shitty subs = Shitty comments..... Oh wait comments removed? Can't handle the truth?! Not surprised.....

    3. I don't like PDP because he influences his pathetic children fan base with corrupt thinking, tasteless comments and terrible content. Have you READ their comments? These 12 year old brats type in hate to an 8 year old girl telling her to kill herself, or they will find her and rape her just because she's trolling them.

      Either PDP doesn't understand the reach he has and what his fan base is, or he is a diabolical genius for corrupting them. These mindless kids certainly don't know what they mean when they talk/type that way. It's horrid.

    4. Pewdiepie was just a waste of my life after I had. Come to my senses a few weeks ago.All he does is constantly scream and shout in the mic and that just makes him lame

    5. Wow, what is wrong with you guys. PewDiePie is just a regular youtuber who got famous for posting content. If you dont like the goddamn guy, just dont watch him. Stop the hate.

    6. We don't care if we do not watch his videos. It's his annoying fanbase. This all started because of his fanbase, he was being criticized as a person as well.

    7. You're part of the bro army....I never could've guessed @ OP.

      Well; when you babbled mindlessly with the point of the tripe you're writing not known even to you, (as well as hating on others, in addition not knowing how to use "there"); it's pretty obvious.

      Using your own baseless and flawed logic it's obvious you'll die a virgin.

  27. I understand that quite a lot of people may not like Pewdiepie, and that's completely ok, really. What I don't think is ok is when people post that they hope he dies in a fire or that he loses everything. That's actually quite sick. His content no matter the quality cheers me up sometimes when I'm feeling sad, and that means a lot to me and many others. Pewdiepie makes a lot of money. Why does that make him unlikable all of a sudden? People shouldn't feel entitled when it comes to youtube videos. I consider them to be a bonus to my day. Calling someone a 'whiney* prick' is absolutely disgusting. Why not look at the positives in things, I'm sure that you really are beautiful people, all of you, but spouting hate and malice will never lead to a positive outcome. There are people of all ages who enjoy pewdiepies videos, if you attack him the younger fans, who aren't particularly socially developed will obviously retaliate as you're attacking a source of their happiness. So why not just be the beautiful people that you all are and just find things that make you happy. And don't try to take others happiness away. Watch someone that you think is more to your taste. Make your own youtube channel if you have the time. This is coming from someone who had suffered from depression for a while. It's still not gone but pewdiepie's videos along with other youtubers helped to make me smile every now and again. That means the world to me.

    1. Thank you! On certain shitty days, its Pewdiepie who makes me happy again. and when i see comments that says they hope he dies, i just want to reach through the screen and erase it. saying that you dont like him is one thing. thats just an opinion, and there is nothing i can do about that. but saying you want someone to die is a bit extreme.

  28. Pewdiepie fanboys has the worst taste of humor. What a bunch of losers.

    1. See, this is what pisses me the fuck off-If u dont like Pewds, say so, i dont care. but calling the other people that like him losers is just bullying and putting down.


      Face the truth, don't deny it. Losers are losers.

  29. That pedophilic piece of shit PewDiePie makes me ashamed of being Swedish.
    Det jävla pedofilkräket PewDiePie får mig skämmas över att vara svensk.

  30. He isnt even funny anymore he isndoing it for the money now. Bet his girlfriend woukd have broken up with him if he wasnt racking in so much money.. Pfft donates a million to charity and says he doesnt make alot but he travels a lot of the time?? When you stop liking his videos it means that you have hit puberty Congratz!! Pewdiepie is complete shit end of story...

  31. I used to *love* PewDiePie. When I first started watching him two years ago (when he had around 100k subs), I thought he was innovative because the video-games he played (e.g. Amnesia, Ao-Oni, Binding of Isaac, Happy Wheels, Penumbra) were pretty different from all popular YouTuber-s back then; he played games that almost no one on YouTube did. I thought he was hilarious, he seemed to over-act sometimes, but it was nothing too exaggerated and it wasn't always, so it was fine with me. His montages were entertaining, his vlogs were funny, and he made me smile when I didn't feel too well. I really did like him, and I really did think he was funny many times (though not always), but most importantly: genuine.

    I stopped watching him for about a year, and when I watched him again I couldn't believe it. He was so annoying and phony, he didn't even seem to enjoy what he was doing anymore. When I saw he had more than ten million subscribers, I was astonished, even if he would've had that many when he was fantastic, I would've been in awe. Now, that he has +30 million and counting, I can't believe he's got that many subscribers. His videos are awful. He doesn't know what to say anymore, he looks so bored whenever he plays, his face is expression/emotionless, he's as blank as a wall. I really don't like him at all anymore, and it annoys the fuck out of me how he's got millions upon millions of subscribers when I don't think he deserves that many. Sure, he's doing his job... But thirty million and counting? Christ.

    But, to "defend" him, I won't even comment on the "Your extra views get me extra cash!" comment because, really, I think one has to be quite oligophrenic to even complain about that. He was being attacked and all he was doing was sticking up for himself. Perhaps he wanted to get the haters angrier (boy, did it work!), perhaps he wanted to boast, or perhaps he simply wanted to remark the truth; because REALLY, views earn him money, what the FUCK do people think? That his money just pops out? I think that he was simply offended or angry at the hate and said that to defend himself, and I think that's alright. Despite the reason of why he said that, I frankly don't give a damn. People complain about that comment and insult him as if they were stellars and supremes of humility; like if they'd be any different if they were in his shoes. That's why I reaaaaally don't care about that comment and can't help but be amazed at people's stupidity when they whine about that comment.

    As for the rest, I think the people who say he's a piece of shit and deserves to die (like some people have in the comments) are toxic anathemas and are the kind of scum that contaminates society. In any case, they're obviously so much worse than they claim him to be. I can understand intolerance towards him, but death wishes? That's absolutely fucked up.

    And to the people who say "he makes me ashamed of being swede": grow up and have some dignity. Quit being such immature teenagers whose hormones are on a rampage and stop believing that a person has to be responsible for you to feel or not to feel proud of your nationality. By saying things like that you just deify him; like if he's important enough to be responsible to make swedes feel "proud" or "ashamed" of their country. PATHETIC.

    1. Here's a fact: Swedish media only writes fluff pieces and positive articles about him, he's being lauded as the biggest celebrity the country has! To get all high and mighty and whine about "teenagers" when there actually are Swedes who feel disgusted by PutridPie is just pathetic. 13% of the Swedish parliament are rabid neo-Nazis and the biggest celebrity is a high-school flunkie who "jokes" about raping 13-yearolds - wouldn't you be embarrased of your country?!

  32. I'm so glad you made this. Pewdiepie is a horde of shit. You should do a segment next on how feminism whether normal or radical are completely bad. It's just stupid, tbh. You should tell people about egalitarianism/humanism and how egalitarianism is NOT about FEMALE empowerment and how its about equality. Feminism itself as an idea should die, Egalitarianism should thrive.

  33. Oh please. All you bros hating on this blogger-shut the fuck up and grow a pair! he or she is just stating their opinion. he or she is not saying that he or she is better that Pewdiepie, just that he or she does not enjoy his videos as much as other people. stop being a bully just because someone is exercising their 'freedom of speech' right. Dillen the hacker is the one who needs to shut up. hes not just saying his opinion, hes straight-up lying.

  34. For anyone who likes Pewdiepie read this and pay close attention


  35. Fuck pewdiepie, waste of YouTube space!

  36. Fuck his douchebag subscribers too!!!

  37. Oh god no! he's attracted the clusterfuck monster known as the bro army. RUN, SAVE YOURSELVES! EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES!

  38. You guys do realize he just a normal guy who likes play video games ... why the hate ? I just don't understand the reason why you hate pewdiepie ( i'm not a fan ..)
    but ik some ppl hate pewdiepie because of his fanbase ..

  39. Stop the hate on Pewdiepie. Gawd. He's a completely ordinary guy that plays video games.
    Here's how alot of the hate comments r like:

    "Fuck yuou poodiepie. You suck so much and should probably go suck my dick. Your annoying ass mouth is soooooooo annoyging. You don't even deserve any subs. Ur complete shit. GO DIE!" #SoAccurate 11/10 Potatoes

    Just eat up the fact that he has a shitload of subs and a shitload of views and dont be fucking negative about it. I find the hate more annoying than Pewdiepie himself. (I'm a fan of him. Not a die-hard one though)

  40. He's a detriment to human society as a poster-boy for mediocrity. I pine for the day when all his fans realize how stupid, they will hate themselves so much it hurts. I just wish Youtube would stop recommending his videos, I tried to block him, and I designate all his videos as "Not Interested". It's just our lot in life that a disproportionate percent of youtube subscribers are a bunch of pre-pubescent fucktards who don't yet understand what humor is.

  41. He yells and swears too much, but parents let their PRE-PUBESCENT kids watch it. I mean, most "Pewdiepie is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" comments are from 6-year-olds. Parents, don't have more kids :/

  42. Parents need to know what terrible and inappropriate things this immature guy says and does before they even allow their kids to watch it. Pewdipie is targeted towards prepubescent kids who think they are so cool watching him. They don't know that he's just doing the stupid things he's doing to make money off of them and use them. I've seen kids who watched him an they are significantly ruder and immature than those who don't.

  43. He is stupid (Pewdiepie) and he thinks he is mature but no he is so immature That I can't stand hI'm I cannot watch for 10 seconds so stupid Jacksepticeye Is better than pewdiepie I would rather watch jacksepticeye

  44. either way, his donation helps, that's it. unlike you, an old Christian fuck, who can't even make money in 10 years as much as he does in a month.

    1. Pewdiepie fan boys are so detached that they feel they are part of his success. Lol How absurd.

  45. yet have the nerve to comment on the reason why he donates.

  46. I'm partial to PDP, and all I can say is, if you don't like him, why spend any time writing about him and how much you hate him? Just find some other YouTuber who you think is funny and interesting, and forget about this guy. Problem solved.

    1. Exactly; people have no right to compose articles about people they don't like because some kid likes the subject of the article.

      Could you imagine if journalists wrote s negative article about a politician, or someone said something bad about ISIS....I know stuff like that would never happen; because you're not allowed to because some PDP said you can't.

      This is why PDP fans are retarded; they don't realise people have the freedom of expression and can write both positive and negative articles....unless you agree with their God because their crack-whore Mommy won't disable the porn filter on their PC.

  47. I agree, Pew die pie's videos do suck. They are terrible. I tried watching one, got partway through and couldn't handle how crappy it was. Never going back - there is no reason to. What shocks me is how many idiots there are in the world who watch his crap.

  48. The typical Pewdiepie fan's comment: pewds is best evah he is best youtubur and u cant stop him n da bro army go fk urslf hatrs. And for anyone that says Pewdiepie sucks, all I have to say is that I 150% agree with you. I just can't comprehend how people like watching a screaming, squealing idiot that makes rape and fart jokes.

  49. I just understand why you're so mad about it it's easy to just ignore his videos

  50. i was a pewdiepie fan for a long time, like 3+ years, one day i just realized that he just isn't funny, and he uploads 5-10 minute videos of dumb shit everyday. how can you enjoy that? He literally only does it for the money now, i know it only takes him around 30 mins to edit those videos and upload them to soak up cash. He claims hes all about the community but if he was, he would play games and shit that people would actually enjoy watching like back in the day. not too long ago he started a playthrough of a game called stray cat crossing, but dropped it. why? Well im pretty sure he dropped it because he doesnt feel like sitting down for hours anymore to make actually enjoyable content. He now prefers to just get on the internet for 20-30 minutes to look up dumb shit he can buy with the money her earns from youtube to make more retarded videos, or he checks tiwtter to do dumb shit which isn't even remotely funny to watch, oh and lets not forget the "hate comment vids" where he basically tells the viewers nah ill do what i want cause i know you dumb fucks will keep watching this trash i put out. Pewdiepie has already made videos of him being a youtube whore he doesn't care if people knows he doesn't even try anymore so fuck him, i know 1 person unsubbing from 41.8 million ain't shit but i cant support this dude, hes just trash. No originality what so ever so fuck him. if you support pewdiepie please tell me what the fuck there is to enjoy that he does? Anyone can act like an idiot and edit it to make it look slightly funnier, but tell me if someone else with 1000 subscribers did the some of the same shit as pewdiepie would you be able to support him? let me tell you right now that the majority of people would think hes a faggot or some shit and wouldnt hesitate to type that shit in his comments.

  51. He is a social experiment engineered to see what absurdities people will accept, believe, defend, etc. Just like Call of Duty, the entire experience is rigges behind the scenes to see how much punishment people will take before calling it quits. People that "do well" within the game, be it this or in life in general have different definitions of doing well and will always defend the system that tells them they are doing well. Nobody can accept that their success isn't earned, that means facing the fact that they aren't better than others. Look at it objectively, truly objectively (may take years of inner reflection and study), then tell me I'm wrong. Nothing is as it seems.

  52. I feel sad for you kid.
    Finish your school and get a job.

    1. Says someone who is a kid and who still has a bedtime.

  53. Please dont make multiple accounts just for these. Get a life.

  54. My problem with him is he isn't funny. He tries way too hard be funny, he is immature as heck, and he doesn't even make good vidoes. Someone like Markiplier, who does a similr thing, at least doesnt tryhard and cares about making good videos and doesn't make dick and sex jokes every 5 secs. I feel like Pewdiepie is the hollywood of Youtube, and I feel like he doesn't desrve any subs. He just tries too hard to be funny by screaming at nothing for 15 minutes, it hurts my ears.

  55. He's everything that's wrong with youtube.
