Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Difficult games and the great debate

After awhile away from the game, I realized a lot of people were bickering about the game in one way or another. Nine out of 10 of these complaints were usually "The game is too easy!" And they were right, it was a bit of a stroll through the park type easy. The reason for this came back from 2009 when Subterranean Animism was very picky about how many live you can get in the Extra stage. U.F.O. the following year made it even more impossible, and created a lot of what you would call "advance danmaku" obstacles. And just a few months later came Great Fairy Wars, which was the very aggressive push for even ZUN to be rattled about complaints of the difficulty. Now, enter Ten Desires. What was suppose to be a push one step back, pushed it 10 steps back instead. Now the casual and moderate gamers were content with the difficulty, while the hardcore gamers got the short end of the stick this time. And this is where the great gaming debate kicks in.

The "What I find easy, you might struggle for a long time" and vice versa  method really shines. Nobody, and especially with this sadistically demanding genre will agree with the difficulty. Easy for me was too outrageously simple to complete, whereas normal still stayed almost in the same area as easy. And while Lunatic is something I am not hellbent to complete without continuing once, a lot of people who can are highly disappointed. This is a great addition for people who were shy about the franchise, but at the same time, a lot of hardcore and veterans were stuck on the back burner, and there really needs to be a happy medium in there somewhere. Asking for that however is a fragile challenge no developers has ever accomplished to this day.

Be that as it may, Ten Desires is still an awesome game, but again... There really needs to be a good Touhou game without anyone feeling left out. Something I fear may never see in my lifetime. I shall give it the benefit of the doubt for now, but this is something very touchy that, again, no one can ever agree on. Hope against hope, I suppose. See you all around soon~

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