Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sup World once more~

It is amazing that one year ago, this blog was created out of pure randomness. What originally started as a silly blog for my friends to read (and a GM troll HQ) turned into something moderately successful since then. 1,571 views as of this post. This month is at its all time high with 268 views this month alone. Partially has to do with the Wiz City blog, but I've been getting about 200 views per month since September anyways. So, let me just say you guys are friggen insane and must live a pretty boring life to read this. And that is why you all deserve a cookie for it. =3

I guess I should do a quick re-introduction of myself. So, yo. I am the Hachi, and I troll people on here. I play PangYa! GB and JP, and I also play Paperman, which are more or less the center topics for most things. I also play Touhou and Puyo, which also occasionally pop up on here. My nemesis online are most of the GM's from GB, and a majority of the people from Puyo Nexus. They deserve any kind of troll they get on here. I'll also go rambling on about other junk which won't be important tomorrow, and I randomly throw comics from Walfas to make it more personal. The central thing in my life right now is my game development, and they'll be flooding more on here until I can find a separate site for them. I... try to post on here at least every Tuesday, but life can flood me, and I apologize if I miss a week, maybe two. I  also occasionally post videos on YouTube. But again, weeks can slip by. I managing this and a video site, studying Japanese and game development, and people still expect me to appear and chat for awhile. Busy cookie, says I.

I originally made this with my friends in mind. Just to ramble for a bit, and give them something to laugh at. But apparently, there are others who read this as well, even if they won't step forward and tell me.  So, that just means I have to post more, now don't I? Comic will return. I was one of the things that gave me a nice persona on here. Hachi is Hachi. Love me or hate me, you can't deny I do leave a mark everytime. Thanks for a great one year. Hope to see better things next year~

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