Thursday, December 22, 2011

2011 Anime year end review: Winter 2011

With the beginning of Winter yesterday ends the anime year of 2011.

Brace yourself for a hell of a time here.

See what cheap MS paint editing can do?

I watch and mostly enjoyed 20 different animes this year. All ranging from horror, ecchi, romance, slice-of-life, drama, mystery, so-to-speak mech. And if you can even believe it, incest. Most were enjoyably original, others fell into the category of 'saw that coming'. Then there were a couple you just couldn't help but face palm your way through the series.

My 2011 hunt didn't start until January 24, which the first on the list would be Maho Shojou Madoka Magica. Unaware I just opened Pandora's box, and began watching what many to claim to be one of the best animes of all time. Sadly and very frustrating, it would be the last anime to cap off the Winter list, and even was airing in the Spring list indirectly due to being put off for a month from the March 11 earthquake. The show would have ended March 24, but got pushed into April 21, with the final two episodes being aired as a double bill. The show was incredible, and I cannot think of anything that could possibly top it. Even with 19 other series that I have not watched yet, it was already clear, this was the show that would hold the best of 2011 for me. And again, the year barely even begun, and it already claimed it for me.

Two others came in February, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? and Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!! Still a friggen mouthful. Zombie, translated to "This is a Zombie?" was hilarious. Just a minute and a half in, and I'm already laughing "wtf?" It follows a zombie who was resurrected by a necromancer, and they live their lives peacefully. Following the backstory, the zombie is set out to get revenge on the person who killed him. The show will later follow a magical girl, a sword fighting vampire, and one... just as the intro states, not quite sure what she truly is. Panty shots were the foundation to some of its humor, only having a serious twist around episode nine, and goes into fan service for the final episode. There were parts you knew it was trying to be serious, but with so much humor in it, you tend to fail to keep a straight face. Also, the Zombie is a cross dressing magical girl.

Onnichan, translates into "I don't love my big brother at all" is the complete opposite of what the title is called. 10 seconds in, and you already see the little sister trying to lewd her brother. Lip shots, panty shots, and more just within a minutes time before going into the intro. Little sister finds out later that episode that she is not blood related to her brother, and quickly takes advantage of that while keeping this discovery a secret from him. From start to finish, the show was amusing so to speak from a distance, but really should not be delved into unless your into that kind of thing. The art style for the series is completely out of place when compared to the standard anime show. It might grind on you for a couple episodes, and, assuming you can make it past there, it gradually grows on you, and eventually accepting it for what it is. It was interesting, and I would recommend it, but its definitely not for the faint of heart.!!

Before ending in the Winter, Yumekui Merry came up in front of me, and Gosick was there for one last toast to a great Winter. Merry, translated as "Dream Eater Merry" is hard to explain, and harder to concept. In a nut shell, it follows one who sees the dreams in others, and one who can go into those dreams. This will be the entire story as they hunt for the dream demons using humans as hosts to cause chaos. Its a show that really gets you into it some parts, then leaves you with a long winded conversation between the characters. The final episode will leave a strong bitter taste in your mouth, as the climatic battle is way too overstrung, lasting for an episode and a half, and afterward, giving an epilogue that is only two minutes long, not really going into detail about anything. The fight ends, the characters rejoice, and that's the end. It's one of those series that leaves you with more questions than answers, and its probably not worth figuring it out if there was one. It is a great show, and it definitely should not be passed up by any means. Just don't expect a gratifying ending you hoped for.

Finally, you have Gosick. A show that makes you ponder, and the title isn't one to give any hints. First of all, its a story taken in the 1920's. Always a plus. Second, the protagonist is from England staying in Japan. Even better. Finally, you have him and this lolita teaming up to solve crimes a mysteries surrounding their town. This crap is like Detective Conan, just scaled down a few tenths. This is one of those shows you want to watch once just to see if its right for you. Because its one of those that has a bit of dark humor. One of those at times you know its funny, just not sure if it would be appropriate to laugh at kind of way. This is another one of those where the art style stands out. It still follows the anime tradition, but there are parts where it seems to be water colored. Its unique and interesting, just don't expect to finish it in one sitting. It was the only series that had a complete 24 episode season, as oppose to the normal 12/13 half season. I have always enjoyed the mystery genre, so I would jump on board with it. But I would recommend it because it follows a different mystery from most. Remember; murder doesn't always have to be a good show. I think Scooby-Doo taught us that back in the 70's.

Overall, the Winter was the best out of them all. It had great shows, and also made it more personal during the earthquake, making me feel thankful for these guys over in Japan giving their country and indirectly giving the rest of the world such wonderful shows. Those people are truly great at what they do, and I hope to continue to see so much more coming from Japan soon. Also, their station TBS. Their silly, but they air these shows all the time, and I can't thank them enough as well.

Coming up; learn how U.F.O,'s aren't such a myth. Especially when it comes to a blue hair girl believing it so~

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