Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm listening, Google. Here's what I have to say.

Here's my nice, friendly letter I sent to Google's feedback via YouTube on the "3.0" UI.

Let me ask you all this question. Since when did all of your dicks fall off, and stop fighting the higher power? I remember when YouTube switched to 2.0, and everyone threw a friggen fit because of it. Unfortunately, THAT'S ALL THOSE MORONS DID. They threw a fit, and did nothing to petition this. They threatened to blackout the website, which if done correctly, would have lost over $2.3 million. Unfortunately, only a couple five year old kids participated, and thus only losing a number not even worth mentioning.

But let's play realism for a second, because no matter how much you gripe and moan like a seven year old on crack, they aren't going to change anything back. The only way there would be ANY chance at all to change it back is if the top YouTube whores would complain about it too. But this is also a catch 22. Because if they complain, they can't make money. Stupid whores like Shane Dawson and Ray William Johnson depend on YouTube so badly, that they don't even work. So imagine them trying to get a job now, when all they have on there resume is "Worked at McDonalds, worked at a strip joint, made money by whoring a video website" They are really cut out for work, because no dumbass is ever going to take them in for making money on a website. Hell, I wouldn't even hire myself if that's all I had to try to qualify for a job.

YouTube has been a friggen whore for the last couple of years ever since Google took over. Which brings up ANOTHER point. Who the hell would even allow Google to be their partner. I mean seriously. This is just as bad as if EA were to acquire the rights to the Legend of Zelda. First of all, they whore every penny they can. So, give them a juggernaut such as Zelda, and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.

So, I have been against Google for years. Like dating back all the way to 2003. There Google Chrome is a complete failure, and I hope there netbook will make them lose a significant profit. To be fair, people who read these use Google Chrome, and I don't want to say the people who use Chrome is bad, I'm just saying Safari, Firefox, even Exploer is much better in a 100 different ways. I personally cannot say this 100% firmly since I still use Firefox 3.6 since 7.0 is pure crap. But I digress.

Windows 7 is crap too compared to XP. MOVING ON

Remember that blog back in June stating I was going to create a new channel? Yeah, I think its time. One of my great passions is trolling. I put down those who I believe are unfair, and should be exposed of there wrong doings. (Isn't that right, Puyo Nexus. Come on, jump for the bone. You know you can do it. =3) Its not necessarily that I'm looking for attention, even though its funny where it comes from sometimes. Its that when I express my anger towards these people, it's not only a stress reliever, but also a way to warn others of these other idiots bullshit. Hachi is a great demon, mind you. I rant, complain, and get full of myself sometimes. But I hope my readers know, as me, I enjoy doing what everyone else does. I am pretty laid back, and pretty shy. So having this split personality on here is fun. I enjoy trolling, and I doubt I'll stop any day soon.

So, YouTube wants to be a whore, I can definitely play there game. Unlike GameRage, where your forced to play in a box, YouTube allows people to play in a sand box, giving the freedom to express whatever they damn well please within reason. I'll start attacking people on there, and occasionally just shoot the breeze just because I can. You don't like it, bite me. Your opinion against me is null and void. As a matter of fact, people just LOVE controversy so much, I'll even deliberately pluck all the wrong chords to get everyone attacking me. Proving once and for all from one of my all time wrestling favorite lines "controversy creates cash". I'll become a partner, give my earnings to Child's Play, and continue to bash anyone I can on a weekly basis. LINK will be right on the left side here shortly. (And yes, I WILL be a whore and tell you to subscribe, or I'll bite your friggen face off.)

Get ready Google. You've allowed me to get away on here so much, so now its YouTube's turn. Just how much are you willing to allow me to get away with all of this before you get sick of me?

And JUST because I'm random, any curious readers like to know. I'm listening to Kalafina - Magia. Lawls, see you soon~

Doesn't take long for me to rise in the ranks.

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