Friday, January 20, 2012

A small taste of what could be to come

It seems these days I just can't write about crap that I want, because I am always raging about some dumbass who seems to hit all the wrong strings.

This time, its from the United State Government themselves. Not even a full 24 hours ago, the F.B.I. tracked down the people responsible for Megaupload; a very powerful site that has practically everything you like. Songs, games, videos, you name it. They arrested the people, and shut down the site. And not for maintenance or anything. They pulled the plug and use a chainsaw to cut through the cord. IT'S HISTORY.

Now, I'm not going to deny I've downloaded anything illegal on there, because I have. To a sense. I have however, watched hours upon hours of illegal videos via Megavideo. And you know what? That stuff, before a Netflix and whatnot, was a LIFESAVER. I have enjoyed my share of things throughout the past. Anime enthusiasts have used it for others to see because it was convenient

Back to Megaupload. I discovered Touhou through them. The game clients, not the series. Ragezone has supported their files from them, and I often had to download the content there. I have found certain songs impossible to find these days on that site. And there is so much more I'm probably not remembering. The last thing I downloaded was a re-download of the PangYa! 580 client to swap from the XP to 7 to continue my private server. That was at around 24 hours ago. So sadly not knowing what was coming in less than 10.

Just as that one post a couple days ago, THIS is what SOPA would look like if it were passed. It would look like that everywhere. And who cares if sites have legitimate content on there, its ALL going to be deleted. So, I say again, if your not happy with a future like that, and especially with Megaupload trashed by the Government, sign that petition! I'm not about to live life knowing what the future could hold. Hell, I'll even try for citizenship elsewhere if worse came to worse I am NOT proud to be an American, and I am NOT living in the new China on your behalf. You can do as you please. But I warn you, I will trash anyone on here who's for the bill, no matter how small you are in the world. Choke on those words if you think your all that.

Any audio blogs I made and uploaded on there will be uploaded elsewhere in a couple days. I'm really sorry for anyone who's tried downloading it in the last day. It's unlikely, but I'm still apologizing. Have a great day to you all~

And I will edit and add this little piece in saying; who f***ing cares about copyrights? You made the song/moveie/game/WHATEVER. DON'T think your a bloody GOD and believe you HAVE to have millions of dollars for what you did. I say, allow piracy to flourish at its peak. And for those in Hollywood or whatever, go suck a dildo and die.

and as if it weren't bad enough.....

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